Saturday, June 4, 2011

Civil Rights March

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled you were able to be there and capture the "Our Kids Count" March. Our neighbor, Wisconsin, has been such a role model in fighting for their values, especially in public education. The youth from MacDowell who spoke about how the cuts will impact his schools made a profound statement, which was "we can't keep taking from education!" So, why is it so easy to subtract from education when it comes to budget cuts? Are the political and business leaders unsatisfied with the educational outcomes in their states? I want to know so I can prepare my future students and give America what she needs I terms of successful students. What are the expectations. I am sure there will be more educational civil rights marches like this in many more cities. As a product of public schooling, I Love Public Schools too, but how can we meet each other halfway? shun tucker
